I am a sociologist and an urban planner. Building on my interdisciplinary background, my research lies at the intersection of planning, technology, and the environment. Particularly, as contemporary cities present extensive use of technology, climate changes, and rapid transformations of space, urban planning dynamically interfaces with environmental issues and diverse technologies. My research focuses on these intersections via two main realms: First, I draw on innovative nonrepresentational theories to provide an in-depth understanding of pressing urban concerns (e.g., air pollution in the metropolitan area, aircraft noise in cities, high-rise living) as experienced by city users. Second, I develop inclusive pedagogies and methodologies to analyze socio-spatial engagements in diverse urban settings and consider humans and more-than-humans in these analyses. I have successfully published articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals, including Cities; Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design; Planning Theory; Regional Studies; and Social & Cultural Geography discussing innovative approaches to urban planning research, and adjusted tools and methods to conduct inclusive planning in practice.