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USP Student Representative Faculty Spotlights

The USP Department Student Representatives began conducting faculty interviews in Winter 2019. Below are the faculty interviews that have been conducted so far. Please let us know if you have recommendations for who to interview next!

Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell - 05/21/19


Where are you from?

  • Born in London and moved to the Bay Area at one year old
  • Lived in Santa Barbara for quite some time
How did you find the field of Urban Studies and Planning? 
  • Mom originally from Seattle and Dad from New York
    • Spent a ton of time in those cities
      • This sparked her early love for city planning and architecture
    • Enjoyed constructing cities out of legos during her childhood
  • Bachelor's degree in Architecture at UC Berkeley
    • Minor in City Planning
Are you currently doing any research of your own? Are there opportunities for student or faculty participation?
  • Currently working on two relatively new projects that offer participation: 
    • 1) Homelessness Practicum Course/Project
      • Goal of getting the homeless into affordable and safe housing
    • 2) Place-based Philanthropy (Starting Summer 2019)
      • Collaborating with a research group in Canada 
      • Mainly focused on social equality, sustainability and place-based philanthropy
Do you have any hobbies?
  • A lover of world travel and exploration
  • Enjoys attending barre classes to maintain physical and mental health
    • Engaged in ballet and modern dance in the past
  • Currently a huge magazine junkie
What courses are you currently teaching and what have you taught in the past? 
  • Courses this year:
    • USP 124: Land Use Planning
    • USP 141A: Life Course Scholars Research and Core Fundamentals
    • USP 141B: Life Course Scholars Capstone Project
    • USP 173: History of Urban Planning and Design 
  • Previously taught or notable mentions:
    • USP 100: Introduction to Urban Planning 
    • USP 193: San Diego Community Research
    • Honors Thesis
    • New Real Estate Symposium 
What advice would you give to your younger selves, either as undergraduates or upcoming professionals?
  • There is absolutely no need to be in a rush
    • Slow down and look around because you might miss something that could be an enriching experience
  • Don’t be afraid to network and meet people
    • Be selfish in your twenties
Do you have any goals, dreams or aspirations?
  • Continue doing exciting research in her dynamic career at UC San Diego
  • Would love to travel to Latin America and Asia

Sue Peerson - 04/16/19

sue.jpgWhere are you from?
  • Born and raised in San Diego
  • Attended Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo for City and Regional Planning
How did you find the field of Urban Studies and Planning? 
  • Enjoyed fine arts and drafting courses during high school 
    • Previously wanted to be a museum curator
  • She took a career test that her father, a professor of psychology at Mesa College, brought home
    • City planner stood out on the list of results
Are you currently doing any research of your own? Are there opportunities for student or faculty participation?
  • Currently working on two projects that include various opportunities to involve students
    • “Alleys in action”
      • Pop-up event that transformed the alleys of Normal Heights 
    •  “Activate UCSD” (working with the associate vice chancellor)
      • Transforming and activating spaces on campus 
Do you have any hobbies?
  • Always loved sketching and drawing from a young age
  • Currently taken an interest in sports photography
    • Enjoys challenging herself by attending workshops 
  • Has a profound love for books and therefore has an extensive library
    • Personal favorites include those about cities and artists
  • Loves spending time at the beach and with family
    • These times help her rejuvenate and feel at home
What courses are you currently teaching and what have you taught in the past? 
  • Courses include:
    • USP 172: Graphics/Visual Communication
    • USP 175: Site Analysis
    • USP 177: Urban Design Practicum
    • USP 179: Urban Design Theory and Practice
  • Other notable activities and projects
    • Real Estate and Development Capstone
    • NAIOP Challenge 
What advice would you give to your younger selves, either as undergraduates or upcoming professionals?
  • As an undergraduate, give yourself permission to take a class out of interest
    • By going out of your comfort zone you will end up learning a lot more about yourself and your way of thinking
Do you have any goals, dreams or aspirations?
  • Would love to take up scuba diving

Julie Wartell - 03/11/19

 jdw_headshot.jpgWhere are you from?

  • The Detroit area of Michigan, moved to San Diego when I was 18
  • Looked at top 100 schools book and found UCSD
How did you find the field of Urban Studies and Planning? 
  • I had worked with someone from the Supercomputer on previous projects and he told me about the teaching position
Are you currently doing any research of your own? Are there opportunities for student or faculty participation?
  • Breweries affect on crime and neighborhoods
  • Use of data and technology to be more effective on reducing crime
  • Currently no opportunities but potentially in the future
Do you have any hobbies?
  • Bicycling touring, surfing, hiking, outdoor sports
  • Favorite hiking trail: urban hike up Mt. Soledad - because I can walk there
What courses are you currently teaching and what have you taught in the past? 
  • I have taught USP 191, GIS for Urban and Community Planning every quarter for the last 10 years and USP 131, Craft Breweries and the Urban Economy once per year for the last 3 years
  • Will teach new crime related classes next year
  • Will be teaching USP 4, Intro to GIS next year instead of 191
What advice would you give to your younger selves, either as undergraduates or upcoming professionals?
  • Don’t wait until grad school to do internships and explore the fields you're interested in
  • Don't stay in a job long past when you should.
Do you have any goals, dreams or aspirations?
  • To continue to enjoy life; her jobs, spending time with friends and family, live long and healthy to be active when she's old.