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Professional Development Recommendations

Students are encouraged to create a professional development plan and intentionally incorporate career exploration and development into their time at UC San Diego.  Below are tips based on academic year.

1st Year (Freshmen)

  • Create and update a LinkedIn profile.
    • Connect with peers, instructors, guest speakers, and professionals on these platforms as you meet them throughout your time at UCSD.
    • Many of your classes will include industry guest speakers. It's okay to request to connect with them after they speak in your class.
    • Connect with students you work with. In 4-5 years and beyond some of your classmates will end up being your colleagues.
    • Recognize that connecting and staying in touch to create sincere relationships with fellow students, faculty, and guest speakers is networking and it can help open up doors for you down the road.
    • Add the USP Department LinkedIn page to your education in addition to UC San Diego
  • Join a preprofessional student organizations such as Triton Real Estate Organization (TREO), Young Planners Society (YPS), or Arch@UCSD (architecture org). Each of these organizations has opportunities to connect with your peers and learn about the industry and potential career paths. Getting involved will also help you connect to the department and build a feeling of community.   
  • Start learning about career opportunities related to your area of study including career paths, resources, job titles, post-bachelor's education, and potential employers.
  • Utilize resources provided by the UCSD Career Center such as:
    • Assessments to explore strengths, personality types, and interest areas.  Being able to articulate your strengths and personality traits will help you in interviews and find jobs that are a better fit for you.

Sophomores & Juniors (Including Junior Transfers)

  • Complete the three steps above listed under 1st Year (Freshmen) if not already done.
  • Create your resume and meet with the Career Center and then Jennifer to review it. 
    • Need a resume template and tips? Request one with this form
    • The template Jennifer recommends highlights your relevant coursework and projects you'll be completing in your courses, many of which will provide direct transferrable skills and knowledge for the internships and jobs you'll later be applying for. 
  • Intern. Internships can differentiate students from other applicants when applying for full-time positions. Professionals working in the fields of planning and real estate development often highlight interning as a recommendation for networking and learning.
    • Start thinking about internships. What types of internships are you interested in? What companies/organizations are you interested in? Where can you fit this in your schedule? Try to complete at least one internship during your junior year or the summer before senior year. 
    • Some companies will recruit early in Fall including construction management and some large finance/real estate companies, but most summer internships are posted Feb-April for students to apply to. Internships are a valuable experience that allow students to:
      • Discover what jobs they like and excel at (or don't like)

      • Build skills and gain knowledge 

      • Learn about a company or organization

      • Build professional relationships with people working in the industry

      • Apply classroom learning and theory to practice

    • Resources for your internship search:

    • Success in securing an internship starts with having polished application materials (resume, cover letter) and an intentional search plan.

  • Conduct informational interviews to help you answer career questions you may have and learn about career paths. 

  • Considering graduate school? Start researching program options and application requirements (example: prereqs, a portfolio, test scores, letters of recommendation, personal statement, etc) and deadlines.  Graduate school applications are typically due in late fall/early winter for admission to the following academic year cohort (ie apply fall your senior year to start a master's degree a year later in the fall after graduating).


  • Complete the steps under 1st Year (Freshmen) and Sophomores & Juniors (Including Junior Transfers) if not already completed.
  • Complete an internship during your final academic year if possible.
  • Get involved with professional associations for the education, networking, and mentoring opportunities.
  • Participate in a mentorship program. Utilize the mentoring programs APA, NAIOP and ULI offer or connect with a mentor through Tritons Connect or with a Triton alum via LinkedIn.
  • Conduct additional informational interviews to learn more about specific career paths and companies/organizations.
  • Polish your application materials and create your job search plan if looking for full-time employment after you graduate. Meet with Jennifer to discuss this or attend one of her workshops. Start applying to positions 2-3 months before you graduate.
    • Resources for your job search:

    • Success in securing ful-time employment starts with having polished application materials (resume, cover letter) and an intentional search plan.

Resources available at the UC San Diego Career Center

Students are encouraged to utilize resources provided by the UCSD Career Center such as:
  • Assessments to explore strengths, personality types, and interest areas.  Being able to articulate your strengths and personality traits will help you in interviews and find jobs that are a better fit for you.
  • Tips for creating and polishing resumes and cover letters as well as preparing for an interview.
  • Resources for finding jobs, internships, and research opportunities. 
  • Drop in and career advising appointments with Career Center staff.