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Career and Internship Advising

The Department of Urban Studies and Planning encourages students to start thinking about their career early in their academic program. The USP Department's Director of Industry Relations and Student Professional Development, Jennifer Eller, is available to help USP/RED students and recent alumni with:

  • Internship and full-time job search process
  • Career exploration (open to non-USP/RED students interested in a career in planning or real estate development)
  • Providing secondary resume and cover letter reviews after students have first utilized the UCSD Career Center
  • Tips on interview preparation and post-interview follow-up
  • Utilizing and optimizing LinkedIn
  • Professional association involvement and networking
  • Finding a mentor
  • Continuing education
  • Graduate school personal statement reviews

Request an Appointment

Career/Internship advising appointment hours: Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am and 1:30-3pm and Thursdays 11:15-11:45am and 1:30-3pm. All appointments are conducted via Zoom and are scheduled for 30 minutes.

Additional Resources