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Graduate Education in Urban Studies & Planning (USP) and Real Estate & Development (RED)

The Department of Urban Studies and Planning provides students with a solid foundation for graduate study in a number of fields. After graduation some alumni pursue graduate work in social science disciplines or public health. Others pursue graduate studies in planning, real estate, development, public policy, law, architecture, or urban design. 

Potential Post-Bachelor's Education options for Urban Studies and Planning majors:

  • Master's of Urban Planning
  • Master's of Development Practice
  • Master's of Public Administration
  • Master's of Regional Planning
  • Juris Doctor (Law School)
  • Master’s in Architecture
  • Master’s in Landscape Architecture
  • Master’s of Business Administration
  • Master of Real Estate Development

Potential Post-Bachelor's Education options for Real Estate and Development majors:

  • Master’s in Business Administration
  • Master's in Marketing
  • Master’s in Finance and Analytics
  • Master’s in Real Estate Development
  • Master’s in Real Estate
  • Master’s in Regional Planning
  • Juris Doctor (Law School)
  • Master’s in Applied Finance
  • Master’s in Architecture
If you are applying to positions or graduate programs that require a letter of recommendation, please refer to our Letter of Recommendation Guidelines before contacting USP Department faculty. 

SDAPA Young Planner's Group Grad School Panel

The San Diego Chapter of the American Planning Association Young Planners Group (YPG) assembled a panel to discuss Grad School (April 8, 2021).  Panelists include USP faculty member Sue Peerson, recent USP graduate Elizabeth Owen now attending UCLA, and current USP student Natalie Tran. Listen to the panel of five exceptional women: all of whom have completed graduate studies and are working professionals in the San Diego region or are in the process of pursuing or completing their graduate studies, to learn more about the pathways to Grad School, resources for graduate education, and tips to apply.  

You can also access the slides from the panel as a pdf.